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Case Study: Cloud Social Media platform Architecture and deployment

Business Situation:

An Enterprise Social Media Network Firm in Silicon Valley needed help with migrating and upgrading their Ruby on Rails application. The migration was complex one as it involved deployment of Infrastructure. They also needed help with re-architecting for deployment on cloud infrastructure. This needed revamping of their design of their current architecture of their Social Media platform.

Openmind Solution:

Openmind core team did the system study, analyses of their client current platform . Our team met with the stakeholders for proposed solution which had a migration and upgrade plan of existing systems as well as redevelopment and enhancement of current architecture to cloud based architecture.

Openmind team started by migrating the clients existing Rails platform to an upgraded Rails with JRuby system. First we designed the system for Multi-Tenant mode so we decided to deploy the same on VMWare Cloud Infrastructure and AWS . We architected enterprise search using Solr.. The development was done using Hadoop, MapReduce. The API’s were developed using REST.

Our Front end UI team completely redesigned the UI architecture using HTML5, jQuery, Backbone.js, Node.js. Our core development team developed Rails App for subject based communication. We first deployed the same on client’s Tomcat and JBoss application servers . We then designed a robust asynchronous messaging architecture using Redis as the backend store using pace Gems. Multi-Tenancy architecture was designed for Data Notifications and alerts in HBase. We created an interface for GWT using GWT-RPC and OAuth2. Our team used RabbitMQ for messaging and integrating Rails application.

Finally after performance tuning and testing we deployed the systems on Amazon EC2 server and tested the same. Openmind Technologies provided complete End to End revamping and cloud enabled platform for Social media platform.

Business Benefits:

  • Our Solution provided a customized USER Friendly Social Media Platform
  • Tighter integration with Backend Systems
  • Provided Cloud enabled platform for the company
  • Better robust and scalable Architecture
  • Highly secured platform

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